Bedlam Boy presents:

"System Support"

"Signs and Portents"

"Chapter 1"

"Chapter 2"

"Chapter 3"

"Space Patrol Arcturus!!"

First comic Previous comic

Vacation time -- slow(er) updates

Yes, I know, how could they possibly get any slower? I'm headin' to Hawaii to drink absinthe on my mother-in-law's porch for a few days, I'll be back when I've forgotten what my cubicle even looks like... this week's update is up, and I've loaded one into the hopper for next week. So, one-a-week until I get back. Aloha, suckers.
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Stumptown Comic Fest this weekend

A quick note (and short notice, I know) -- I'll be at Stumptown Comic Fest this weekend in Portland... sorta. I'll be supporting another project I'm doing under my legit, non-porn identiry. I'll be there for a couple of hours each day from about 11 at the table -- my comic (ashcan, really) is just one of the products (the others belong to my co-creator)
I don't want anything here that Googles back to my real identity, so... if you're there, just follow the rabbit. And look for the big bald guy with a beard.
Meanwhile, updates will continue... as quickly as I can, at least one a week; I'm going to try ot get the speed back up, as my hated day job allows.
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Updates will be spotty...

Because the day job is slamming me flat. Worked late every night this week, working through the weekend; right now I'm just hoping to get out in time to take the kids trick-or-treating. I'll update as I can, but I'm not going to try to produce another strip until I'm up to bringing the funny. Big ($150M) deadline on Wednesday, it should be better after that.
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And now for something completely different

Well, not completely... another dirty, dirty cartoon, actually. Letitia chapter 3 has wrapped; here's something I've been planning for a while... a little retro Space Patrol action. And, I promise, tentacle porn!
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Sorry 'bout that, chief

THAT.... was what we call a computer-initiated vacation. iMac died, spent a week in the shop... I missed a whole week's worth and just decided to pick it up again on Monday.However, I'm about to take a REAL vacation. This chapter is almost over -- I think I would have finished it by now if not for the technical glitch. I'll get one more strip off, and then I'm outta here.

Thanks for reading, and see you in early August. Comment or leave a note my blog.

Letitia Cromwell, Chapter 3

Letitia's back for another run. Hopefully I'll stay at or close to a three-a-week pace for the duration of this chapter, at least. The Hated Day Job has been brutal of late, but I think I'm coming out of the worst of it. I have some ideas for non-Letitia Cromwell stories as well, including a return to the 'System Sypport' "naughty dot-Hack universe" setting... but it looks like there's steady demand for more of Letitia. After this one I may give her a semester break - just for the duration of a chapter of something else.

Thansk to everyone who's kept up the interest! Comment or leave a note my blog.

...And that's a wrap -- for Chapter 2, at least

That wraps up Chapter 2 of Letitia Cromwell, Community College Witch. Thanks for following the strip -- and if you're one of the people who followed Hentai Action Theater over from double secret thanks, I appreciate it.

I'm on vacation -- through the Saturnalia - Festivus - Kwanzaa - Boxing Day season, at least. Hentai Action Theater, and Letitia, will both be back.

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We're back, and we're live

Here's the new plan: having caught up with the huge wad of material I had as a backlog, I'm doing the webcomic live, instead of trying to do an entire chapter in advance. I'll be posting Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at least through the end of this chapter.

Three in the can so far, and I think the quality is holding up. What do you think?

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And we're caught up...

With the point where that segment was originally SUPPOSED to end, at least. More is coming. Everything that was originally on Adultwebcomics when it died (or in the buffer) is now up; the next bit is on the drawing board.

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Letitia Cromwell, Chapter 2

"Letitia Cromwell, chapter 2" starts right here. This one is ALMOST complete and will continue with regular updates through at least the next month.

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Enter Letitia Cromwell

"Letitia Cromwell: Community College Witch" runs to 40 pages for Chapter 1; It takes a little while to get, y'know, hentai, but I hope you'll enjoy it none the less. Two thirds of Chapter 2 is ready t launch right after Ch. 1, and the rest is coming, I promise.

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Put some hentai in your ears...

The talented crew at "Nobilis Erotica" - Nobilis Reed and his team - have adapted the first Hentai Action Theater story, 'Signs and Portents,' as a radio play-style podcast! It's amazing work (and there are lots more at the site) - check it out right here.

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Signs and Portents

Thanks to everyone from the old site who has found me here! If you like what you're seeing, stop by the blog and say 'hi.' Meanwhile, enjoy the second story, 'Signs and Portents.'

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Is this thing on?

Welcome to Hentai Action Theater. Watch out, the floor is a little bit sticky.

This is HAT's second incarnation; the first died with the apparent collapse of I'll be reposting all the old material at a fairly rapid clip, and then moving on to the new stuff (soon, I promise). Updates may be a bit erratic until I get the hang of Comic Genesis' system, but here we go...

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Welcome to the new home of Hentai Action Theater.

If you're reading this, you've found my pre-launch page. I'm still testing out the system and trying to get the hang of Comicgenesis. HAT was hosted for a while at, but that site seems to have completely disappeared; they vanished without notifying their cartoonists or answering our e-mails. As soon as this site goes live I'll be uploading the comics I've already done -- full-page B&W comic-book-style stories -- at a rapid pace, five a week or so. New content will follow.

If you read me before, hang on, new stuff is coming.

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Now appearing in
the Theater:

Space Patrol Arcturus!!